Middle School Ministries
Agape Church School
The middle school years can be challenging, so we try to create a safe and caring community where our young people can come and know they are loved. In our Agape class, our sixth through eighth graders build connections, learn about their faith and have fun together. Throughout the year, the students will engage in our puppet ministry and work with different songs, Bible stories and themes. Students make them come alive through voice acting, costumes, movement and scenery. Our puppet performances happen during our worship services, and people of all ages love them!
Junior High Fellowship
This exciting group of middle school students (grades 6-8) typically gathers on the second and fourth Mondays of the month in our Youth Room from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Led by our Director of Youth Ministries and faithful adult chaperones, called Advisors, a session usually includes games, snack, a discussion or learning activity, and a closing prayer.
Throughout the year, JHF also goes on a fall retreat at Silver Lake, a winter weekend volunteering Mission Trip to New Haven, and hosts a Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt for the community. JHF includes many friends who are not church members, but come for the fun, fellowship and service.
First Church is proud to welcome and support all youth.