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Music Scholarship Application

The primary selection criteria are as follows:

  1. The applicant should be part of the First Church family (membership is not required) or living or studying in the Glastonbury community. If the student is a college undergraduate, his or her family must live in Glastonbury. Preference will be given to applicants belonging to a faith community of any denomination.

  2. Applicants must be taking formal instrumental or vocal lessons emphasizing classical music and must have completed a minimum of two years of lessons on the audition instrument or, if auditioning vocally, two years of voice lessons or, if age 14 or younger, one year of voice lessons.

  3. Student motivation is most important in the selection process, but financial need will also be considered.

  4. Finalists will be scheduled for an audition and interview with the Board of Music and should prepare a 3-5 minute selection.

  5. The winning applicant may be invited to perform at a worship service at First Church.


Questions should be directed to the Chair of the Music Scholarship Committee, Cheryl Gaudette.


Fill out the form below or print a form to return to the church office by Friday, May 3.

Student Information

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