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First Church Personnel and Pastoral Team Updates

Updated: Oct 8

Personnel Updates for Fall 2024

In the hymn How Beautiful the March of Days we poignantly sing, “…as seasons come and go.” The autumn season has come with the return to school, work, church, and with the changing leaves and the bountiful harvest. But one thing that does not change is the faithfulness of First Church in loving its own members and loving the world. To help us do that, we have a faithful and gifted staff, and as reported in earlier issues of The Reminder, Kate and the Executive and Personnel Committee have been working hard to ensure that First Church is well-staffed to ensure that we continue to share God’s love both near and far!

Here’s a review of the staff configuration that is in place for the fall. With Andrew Wicks on family leave until the beginning of December, a variety of folk are picking up various aspects of his work: Nicole Struth, Micah Children’s Initiative; Jenny Giguere, Junior and Senior High Fellowship groups; and David Taylor, Confirmation.

We are also happy to have Kelsey Beach back from her maternity leave, and we have two temporary, part-time staff people to keep our pastoral and programmatic work strong. Tim Hughes has joined us as a Program and Pastoral Assistant and Laurie Andersen as Minister of Visitation. We are also grateful to Faith Ferrall and Nicole, who are taking on aspects of Jenny’s administrative work and Wes Grove’s facilities responsibilities.

In addition, the Executive and Personnel Committee has encouraged Kate to continue to have a more fluid schedule with the recent passing of her mother. David Taylor, Pastor Emeritus, will continue to step in to help as needed, particularly with office coverage and worship leadership. Kate is appreciative of the church’s love and support of her and her family during this challenging time. With the “march of days” this fall, we are once again reminded in the book of Ecclesiastes that “for everything there is a season.” In this coming season of First Church’s blessed life, we are reminded that in all that we say and do, our faithful ministry and mission is always, “Rooted and Grounded in Love.”

Rev. Dr. Laurie Andersen

Reverend Dr. Laurie Andersen

Rev. Dr. Laurie J. Andersen was ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in 1996 and has experience in both parish ministry and palliative care chaplaincy. She received her M. Div. at Union Theological Seminary, NYC, followed by a Doctorate in Pastoral Counseling at Hebrew Union College. Laurie is a Board Certified Chaplain currently serving part-time at Yale New Haven Hospital since her move a year ago from NYC. In New York she held a variety of positions, including most recently as a Palliative Care Chaplain at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital. Laurie is drawn towards team ministry in a church, caring for a congregation at all stages of life, and in various roles as needed. Her story of discovering First Church is too long for this introduction – ask her about it! The United Church of Christ and the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) have enjoyed a Formula of Agreement, including clergy-sharing, since 1997, due to a “deeply shared theological and liturgical heritage.” We are looking forward to having Laurie join our First Church community during this season of our life.

Tim Hughes

Tim Hughes

Tim Hughes has been a member of UCC churches his whole life and has served them in various roles – youth minister, worship musician, choir member, gospel choir member, retreat leader, original biblical musical co-creator with church members and youth, videographer, technician, Deacon, search committee member – to name just a few! Tim has also been involved in UCC Outdoor Ministry (church camp) since the 1970s, including being the Executive Co-Director of our beloved Silver Lake with his wife, Anne, for 13 years, and most recently serving as the Executive Director at Horton Center, the UCC Outdoor Ministry site in New Hampshire. Tim loves working with people, playing guitar, cycling, hiking, watching movies and getting together with friends. Tim is looking forward to joining the First Church community, and we are excited to work with Tim!


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