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Enjoy our September 8 Homecoming Sunday worship service!

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

Festive Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.

  • Preacher: Kate VanDerzee-Glidden

  • Director of Music Ministries: Angela Salcedo

  • Music: The Hot Cat Jazz Band, Chancel Choir + Choir Camp participants

Our First Church family of faith enjoys worshipping together, and we hope you will join us! Our Sunday worship services are at listed times in the Meetinghouse and livestreamed (and are also available for viewing later).

Homecoming Picnic after Worship - All are welcome!

Rally Day to Start Youth Programs

Junior High Fellowship: 12:00 - 2:00 pm

Beginning with a family meeting in the Meetinghouse, followed by fun activities!

Senior High Fellowship: 4:00 - 7:00 pm

Beginning with a family meeting in the Meetinghouse, followed by fun activities!

Dear Friends,


In a world filled with uncertainty, fear and sadness, where can we go to find hope, connection and love? First Church!


Together, we are called to care for one another and the world, and we invite you to join us for Homecoming Sunday and beyond as we are reminded that we are Rooted and Grounded in God’s Love.


This Sunday Ross Tucker and the Hot Cat Jazz Band and our Chancel Choir and some of our children will inspire us with their music. We invite you to worship with us in person in the Meetinghouse at 10:00 a.m. or online.


The bulletin, large print bulletin and announcement slides are available on our website. You can watch any of our livestreamed or recorded services on our YouTube channel.


After the service, we will have our annual church picnic – no sign up necessary – come as you are to enjoy this time of food, fellowship and fun!


This Sunday our youth programs begin, and you can find more information online. Junior High Fellowship (6th–8th grade) families will meet at 12:00 p.m. and Senior High Fellowship (9th–12th grade) families will meet at 4:00 p.m. in the Meetinghouse, with fun activities to follow each meeting. Please contact Jenny Giguere at


Also, we invite you to bring a friend or neighbor (BAFON) this Sunday and September 15!


God calls us to be people who show up and are eager to worship, pray, learn, love and serve together! That’s who we’ve always been and who we continue to be.  We hope you will join us.




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