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Pledging at First Church

Updated: May 29

'Stewardship' is the process we use annually to raise funds that support our budget for operations and mission. Each year, in our annual Stewardship Campaign, we ask our First Church members to commit annually, or “pledge,” a certain financial donation toward the coming year's operating budget. Together, our dollars fuel the Church's ministries, including 10% of total pledged income being given away, both locally and globally. We ask members to consider pledging a percentage of their income: 1%, 3% or even up to the classical biblical pledge of 10%. We build our operating budget based on the results of our campaign, striving to be both optimistic dreamers and prudent caretakers of the Church's dollars.

Chart outlining 3% and 5% pledge amounts based on pre-tax family income

First Church is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Please consult your accountant or tax professional to find out if your donation is tax-deductible.

First Church is a Congregational church and joins with other Congregational churches as part of the United Church of Christ (UCC). Being a Congregational church means that we are self-governing within our congregation and also that we are financially self-supporting. We donate part of our mission budget to support the wider UCC denomination, but we do not receive any funds from the wider church.

We are stewards of God's bounty, and we give not because we must but because we can! We share our means and time, be it in large amounts or small, joyfully, and as part of a church family which is passionate about music, about children and youth, about justice and about mission. To set up automatic electronic pledge payments, fill out the Authorization Form and return it to Office Manager, Rebecca Fleahman, in the Church Office.

Pledging and Giving Options for our 2025 Stewardship Campaign

First Church is an engaged and active community where people of all ages are sharing God’s love near and far! To continue to grow and thrive, we need people to share their time, talent and treasure.

Why Pledge?

Because we need you! The single largest income item (~68%) in our annual church budget is Current Pledges. Knowing (and growing) what this budget figure is allows us to plan and care for the people, programs and missions you love at First Church. It takes money to take care of our building, pay our staff, run programs, and the list goes on! Thank you for giving!

God calls us to be faithful, generous and compassionate. In the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, it says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.” The “heart” of First Church is answering the call to share God’s love with all the world! And the Apostle Paul wrote to the newly formed church in Corinth and said, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) Let us rejoice that we can truly make a difference in the world!

How can I pledge?

  1. Complete and return your pledge letter. Put it in the offering plate, drop it off or mail it to the church office.

  2. Complete our online pledge form.

How can I pay my pledge?

  1. Use a pledge envelope to regularly pay your pledge in cash or by check. Drop it in the offering plate on Sunday morning, mail it in or drop it by the church office.

  2. Give through electronic funds transfer (EFT) through a monthly bank draft set up by Rebecca in the church office. The form can be found above and must be downloaded. It’s easy and helpful for you and the church!

  3. Use our online tool Vanco.

  4. Use our mobile app, Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement. Once downloaded, find us by searching First Church, Glastonbury. Please note, it's not case sensitive but you must have the comma after First Church and no space after Glastonbury.

We are Rooted and Grounded in Love, and your contributions are greatly appreciated!

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

- 1 Corinthians 13:13


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