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Enjoy our Christmas Eve 4:30, 8:00 and 11:00 p.m. services online!

Updated: Jan 3

4:30 p.m. Christmas Pageant

Our youth will present the story of the birth of Jesus with music and pageantry at this service designed especially for youngsters. We will collect diapers, wipes and formula

for babies in need in our area. Children will be given the opportunity to dress up as a shepherd or angel and bring their donations to the manger for our offertory to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The Cherub and Caroler Choirs will provide the special music. This service will also be livestreamed.

8:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service of Candlelight, Music and the Word

  • Preacher: Kate VanDerzee-Glidden

  • Director of Music Ministries: Dr. Angela Salcedo

Invite your family and friends to celebrate the joy of the coming of Christ in this beautiful candlelight service! The Cantate Choir, Mallet Ringers, and soloists Michael Ersevim, Thomas Ersevim and Chris Stone will perform at this service. This service will also be livestreamed.

11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service of Candlelight, Music and the Word

  • Preacher: Kate VanDerzee-Glidden

  • Director of Music Ministries: Dr. Angela Salcedo

Celebrate with family and friends the coming of Christ in this beautiful candlelight service! The Chancel Choir will provide the special music for this service. This service will also be livestreamed.

Our First Church family of faith enjoys worshipping together, and we hope you will join us! On most Sundays our worship services are at 8:00 am in the Micah Chapel and 10:00 am in the Meetinghouse and livestreamed (and are also available for viewing later).

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