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High School Ministries


Confirmation is a process in which a teenager learns about and considers joining the church as an adult member - “confirming” their baptism into the church. We offer a confirmation class each year to high school students, usually in 9th or 10th grade, but open to all.


Over the course of a school year, Confirmands meet twice a month to discuss topics like God, Jesus, the Bible, Ethics, Church Membership and Christian Service. Confirmands also worship, attend Senior High Fellowship, and do service projects throughout the year to explore different aspects of life in the church. At the end of Confirmation, participants choose whether to join the church as adult members on Confirmation Sunday each May.

Confirmation group in front of the church

Senior High Fellowship

For High School students (grades 9-12), Senior High Fellowship typically gathers on Sunday nights in our Youth Room from 6:00  to 8:00 pm. Much like our Junior High Fellowship, this program is led by our Director of Youth Ministries and faithful adult chaperones, called Advisors. SHF sessions usually include games, snacks, a discussion or learning activity, and a closing prayer. We often talk about topics that teens care deeply about - friendship, school, parents, relationships, injustice in the world, mental health, substance abuse and more. The sense of community and care is evident.


SHF has some fun highlights throughout the year as well, including a fall retreat at Silver Lake, a week-long volunteer Mission Trip during April vacation, and an end of the year retreat on Cape Cod. SHF includes many friends who are not church members, but come for the fun, fellowship and service.



Youth preparing potatoes for Apple Festival potato booth
Youth gathered in the youth room together
Youth participating in mission trip volunteer service

First Church is proud to welcome and support all youth. 

Senior High Fellowship Events

Senior High Shenanigans

Senior High Fellowship welcomes all high school students!
SHF at a Silver Lake retreat
SHF at a Silver Lake Retreat
SHF Advent Lock In
SHF Mission Trip in Puerto Rico 2023
SHF Mission Trip 2022
Selling baked potatoes during fellowship to raise mission trip funds
SHF Mission Trip to Puerto Rico
SHF Retreat at Silver Lake
SHF Mission Trip to Back Bay Mission
Confirmation group 2022
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