Serving the Community
We believe that sharing God’s love and pursuing justice as a community and as individuals is a vital part of what it means to live out our faith. Join us as we serve together in our community and beyond!
“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
– Micah 6:8
Caring in Connecticut

Bloomfield Backpack Project
In September 2009, Eunice Medwinter started the Bloomfield Backpack Project to make sure the children of Bloomfield had enough to eat over the weekends. It is coordinated by First Church, UCC, in Bloomfield. First Church helps financially and sends teams of volunteers to pack the backpacks with food on the second Thursday of each month.

CT Foodshare Mobile Food Pantry
The CT Foodshare mobile food pantry is a "Farmers Market" style food distribution service, which provides fresh produce and other food to individuals and families in need. A mobile food truck comes to First Church of Christ, Glastonbury every other Wednesday and our volunteers help in the food distribution.

Food Collection
We have an ongoing collection of food items for our neighbors in need. Our donations go to Horace Bushnell Children’s Food Pantry in Hartford, Glastonbury Links Together Backpack Project, Manchester Area Conference of Churches (MACC) and Glastonbury Food Pantry. Drop off your donations in the back lobby or in the Narthex.

Giving Tree
Each Christmas season, First Church sets up giving trees that benefit several organizations. Members of the congregation choose tags and purchase Christmas gifts for children selected by Family Life Education, Covenant to Care, Glastonbury Social Services and Manchester Area Conference of Churches.
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O'Brien Elementary School
Our church partners with the Robert J. O’Brien STEM Academy in East Hartford. We provide material support and staff and volunteer time to the children and staff of O'Brien School. This speaks directly to our beliefs about the inherent dignity, worth and value of every child, and their right to a good education in a region where the local tax base plays an outsized role in the educational support that children receive.
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Carol's Closet
This ongoing collection in our back lobby provides paper goods and personal care items for families and individual whose limited incomes do not allow the purchase of the necessary household items. The State's food stamp program SNAP does not cover these items. The nonperishable items are given out monthly to Glastonbury residents.

Fred Wish Elementary School
For more than a decade, First Church has partnered with the Fred. D. Wish Museum School. This partnership has included helping the kindergarten children with basic reading skills, collecting hats and mittens for the students, and other support.
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Good Samaritan Group
First Church has a group of skilled “Good Samaritans” willing to help other members who are having trouble finding the right help or resources to perform various “odd” jobs around the house at no cost. Contact the Church Office to see if your household task or project is something the group is willing and able to take on.
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Mental Health Ministry
This small group aims to develop and implement initiatives with the goal of fostering a welcoming and supportive environment, as well as providing education about mental health topics to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Racial Justice Team
This team broadens engagement within our church community in matters relating to white privilege, implicit bias, and the impact of systemic racism through facilitated conversations, book studies, hosting speakers, and getting involved with church and/or community groups with similar goals. We offer ways to put racial justice into action. Long term, we envision FCC, in partnership with the UCC with its long history of commitment to racial justice, to be seen as allies to people of color and a leading voice for racial justice in our community and beyond.
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Connecticut Foodshare - Warehouse
On alternating Wednesdays, when the mobile food pantry is not here at church, we have a team of volunteers who carpool to CT Foodshare's Bloomfield facility for an 8:30-11:30 am shift to help sort and package the produce that is distributed from the mobile food pantry trucks and to various food pantries across the state.
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Through community organizing, the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA) advocates for justice in the Greater Hartford region. Local congregational Core Teams work with GHIAA's staff in discerning specific areas of reform in the state and region. We offer opportunities to discuss issues of concern to inform GHIAA’s state legislative agenda and to advocate for creating a more just and loving local community and region.

Hands on Hartford
For decades, we have been partners with Hands On Hartford. Hands On Hartford serves Hartford’s most economically challenged residents in the areas of food, housing and health. Throughout the year, we serve mid-day meals and also provide dinner for our neighbors. There are opportunities to serve the meals and/or donate the food items needed.
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Mission Immersion Days
We believe in giving people of all ages, including children, the opportunity to serve in the community. Several times per year we offer Mission Immersion Days. All ages go into the community and work with various agencies to help our neighbors in need. We also serve our own members with cards and treats to brighten their day.
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Super Giant Tag Sale
For years, First Church has sponsored church rummage sales. This weekend has grown, and the Super Giant Tag Sale is an event that people enjoy giving to and shopping at. On selected dates throughout the year, we collect items that will then be sold at the fall sale. All the money raised at the Super Giant Tag Sale is given to non-profits that further our mission of making the world a more just and compassionate place.
Beyond Connecticut

Mission Trip - Adult
For more than 15 years, following the devastating damage of Hurricane Katrina along the Gulf coast, First Church has sent upwards of 50 adult and college age people (ages 17-75), to participate in the disaster recovery work of Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi. Back Bay Mission was established in 1922 to help the poorest of the poor in that fishing community. To this day, Back Bay, a mission of the United Church of Christ, continues to serve the Biloxi area, and each year since 2005 First Church has been privileged to lend its skillful and faithful hands to housing repairs, new construction, and assisting with emergency relief work. Our 2025 registration form is available.

Mission Trip - Youth
Our Youth Mission Trip is a highlight of our Senior High Fellowship Program. Each year we journey across the country to get involved in God’s work on a social justice topic. Whether we’re serving meals to the homeless in Washington DC, rebuilding the storm ravaged Gulf Coast, or providing classroom help in Los Angeles, each trip is memorable and spirit-filled. Dozens of students from our church and the local community explore a new part of the country and share in a week of sacred community together.
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For more than twenty years, SERRV products have been sold during the Advent season at Common Fellowship. SERRV is a non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating poverty wherever it resides. When people purchase SERRV products, they make a direct impact on our global market's great injustices and the inequality in income and quality of life for people living in developing countries.
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