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Join Us

First Church is a vital and vibrant family of faith which is open, welcoming, and affirming to all of God’s children!


Our varied ministries of faith, hope, and love are captured on this website. Our church family touches the lives of hundreds of people, both near and far, with healing and hope. Please take a moment to browse our many ministries. 

Explore where God calls you to serve, and join us as we travel on the journey of faith together in a loving, caring, compassionate, and supportive community!



Kate VanDerzee-Glidden
Senior Pastor 

Senior Pastor Kate VanDerzee-Glidden smiling in church sanctuary

Welcome, Newcomers!

Worship is central to our community of faith. We believe that we connect with God through poignant music, reading of Scripture, and meaningful, practical preaching.


Our worship services are inclusive of all God’s people. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at First Church.


If you are considering visiting us for the first time, we would love to have you join us. Visitors are always welcome!

When is worship?

We worship at 8:00 am in the Micah Chapel and 10:00 am in the sanctuary (the Meetinghouse) on Sundays from September through the beginning of May. During our Season of Celebration (through June 16), we have one service at 10:00 am in the Meetinghouse, and then one service at 9:00 am from June 16 through September 1.

What do I wear to church?

Whatever feels comfortable! Some folks show up to church in their “Sunday best” while others are here in a t-shirt and jeans, shorts or leggings.

What if I have accessibility needs?

All are welcome at First Church, and accessibility is a priority for us. We aim to provide ways for every person to share in a full range of worship, fellowship and leadership experiences, and we strive to remove barriers that may prevent anyone from fully participating in our community. For Sunday morning worship services, we provide large print bulletins and hymnals, as well as hearing assistance devices and a Bluetooth audio system that connects with your hearing aids via an app on your mobile device. Check out our full list of accessibility offerings.

Do you offer Childcare or Sunday School?

Childcare is available during worship services on Sunday mornings in the Crib and Toddler room with our nursery care provider Ms. Cheryl and our dedicated volunteers. Sunday School (which we call Church School) is offered for children in Preschool through 8th grade. Children begin the worship service in the Meetinghouse and then go to Church School after the children’s message. Our Meetinghouse has children’s worship bags with activities to help keep kids interested and engaged.

What happens after Worship?

After the 10:00 am service, everyone is invited to a social time of fellowship in Schultz Hall. This is a great time to meet and get to know people. Members of our congregation serve coffee, juice and sometimes snacks. A Welcome Table offers information about our church for visitors.

What denomination are you?

First Church is a historic Congregational church and part of the United Church of Christ. Our motto is “No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”

Getting to First Church



Parking (marked in orange) can be found at the rear of the First Church building and next to the Glastonbury Town Hall. Use either the First Church or Town Hall entrances (marked in pink) to find a spot. Those with limited mobility can use any of the designated spots (marked in blue).

Birds-eye view of First Church with arrows showing flow of traffic and colored boxes around parking

What to Expect


Worship in the Micah Chapel occurs from September through the end of April at 8:00 am, and at other times throughout the year. This quieter, more contemplative space is filled with chairs containing hymnals and provides all the wonders of worship in a close-knit environment. Join this smaller worship group in beautiful hymns and litanies, plus enjoy special music from our talented choir members.

Interior view of Micah Chapel filled with people worshipping.


Worship in the sanctuary, or Meetinghouse, occurs all year round at 10:00 am. Ushers provide bulletins and any required hearing devices. Simply find a seat in a pew and follow along with the service prompts on screens around the Meetinghouse. The services are a mixture of hymns, speakers, prayers, and group litanies in addition to special music provided by our children, youth, and adult choirs.

First Church Meetinghouse filled with people facing the pulpits and choir.

Open + Welcoming + Affirming

United Church of Christ logo in rainbow

Whoever you are, you are welcome into the full life of First Church! Our worship, our church family, was not complete until you arrived!   

We are an Open, Welcoming and Affirming Church of the United Church of Christ. What does that mean? It means that we celebrate the diversity that makes us all unique and cherished children of God. It means that we believe our community is richer for that diversity. Whether you are gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual or straight, whether you are single or married, whether you are comfortable or struggling economically, whatever your age, race, mental or physical challenges, we invite you to find a spiritual home with us.

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